Hi! I'm interested in programming languages, compilers, and much else in computer science.

While studying at the University of Washington (BS '24), I researched probabilistic programming (advised by Todd Millstein & Guy Van den Broeck) and equality saturation (advised by Zachary Tatlock).

I've interned at Jane Street, on the OCaml compiler and a distributed monitoring system, at NVIDIA, on the CUDA C/C++ compiler, at Hudson River Trading, writing an LLVM optimization pass, and at Instagram and Cartogram.


Equality Saturation Theory Exploration à la Carte
Anjali Pal, Brett Saiki, Ryan Tjoa*, Cynthia Richey*, Amy Zhu, Oliver Flatt, Max Willsey, Zachary Tatlock, Chandrakana Nandi

Scaling Integer Arithmetic in Probabilistic Programs
William X. Cao, Poorva Garg*, Ryan Tjoa*, Steven Holtzen, Todd Millstein, Guy Van den Broeck
UAI 2023


I welcome anonymous feedback on any topic here.